How we can support

    At IndigPro, our approach to integrated marketing communications is rooted in understanding our clients' needs and addressing their pain points with tailored strategies. By aligning touchpoints with the customer journey, we facilitate a seamless connection between brands and their audiences.
    Get In Touch
  • Marketing & Strategy

    Unlock the Power of Marketing & Strategy. Our Expertise Drives Growth, Visibility, and Success. Discover Custom Strategies Tailored to Your Goals. Let's Boost Your Business Together!

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  • Creative & Branding

    Inspire and Impact with Creative & Branding. Our Design and Branding Experts Craft Unique Identities that Resonate. Elevate Your Brand's Aesthetic and Impact. Let's Create a Lasting Impression!

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  • Digital & Video

    Elevate Your Brand with Our Digital & Video Services. From Captivating Content to Engaging Video Production, We Deliver Results that Stand Out. Let's Transform Your Online Presence!

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  • Web & Software Development

    Innovate with Our Software & Web Development Services. From Cutting-Edge Apps to Responsive Websites, We Build Solutions that Exceed Expectations. Let's Create Your Digital Future!

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  • Indigenous Business Services

    In collaboration with our Sister company, MinoDawaa, we offer everything you need to establish, operate and grow your business on an Urban Reserve.

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  • Printing Service

    Our printing services offer high-quality, customizable solutions to bring your brand to life in print.

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Our Process

Our client onboarding process involves unique steps in determining the problem. This will ensure we have a FOCUS for the brand. Tailoring solutions to each business problem, regardless of size, budget or timeline - we will meet you where you need us the most.

Complete Idea of the Problem
This will ensure we have a FOCUS for the brand.

This begins with having communication to build a picture of your brand goals and objectives, set KPIs including qualitative and quantitative metrics. Conducting market research to understand the target audience, competition and the general market landscape. Aligning on budgets and timelines. Achieved through:
  • Initial meeting with stakeholders and workshops
  • Extensive brand audit
  • Competitive research
  • Target audience research and analysis
  • Utilizing research tools like focus groups, surveys, interviews to gain insights into the brand
Aligning on approach and key brand information for consistency and understanding across agency and client side:
  • Presenting the insights to all stakeholders
  • Determining key messages
  • Determining customer personas
We are led by the 5Ps of marketing- Product, Price, Promotion, Place and People. At IndigPro, we are not satisfied with quick wins, we believe in achieving long term results for our clients and creating impact that lasts for years to come. Our core objective is to achieve the best results for our campaigns, ensuring our messages resonate and reach our target audience at the right time. Key steps include:
  • We develop go-to-market strategies
  • Brand strategies
  • Campaign Strategy
  • Media strategy
  • Media planning
  • Media Buying and Negotiation strategies
Building a brand can be a challenging task especially when you do not have a clear picture of what you want to achieve. Our job is gather information and help tell your brand story visually using modern technologies and tactics such as:
  • Developing brand identity
  • Brand expression
  • Graphic design and illustration
  • Videography and animation
  • Audio and Video Production
  • Brand Photography
  • Creative writing
Campaign development and Implementation is our forte. We focus on integrating our campaigns based on the stage of the customer journey. Ensuring that we reach the right audience with the right message at the right time. This understanding enables us to ensure cost effectiveness and impact in our campaigns. We use data to ensure that we measure campaign impact and make optimization decisions according to the results. This is achieved through:
  • Media buying and implementation across digital and traditional channels
  • Experiential Marketing
  • Website design and development
  • Media monitoring and analytics
  • Post campaign analysis and reporting